News & Deals


Ден на Българската Адвокатура

На днешната дата преди 133 години е приет първия Закон за адвокатите в България. Адвокатурата е гарант за спазване на върховенството на закона, на защитата на правата и интересите на граждани и юридически лица. Наш дълг е да браним и издигаме законността и морала в обществото, като отстояваме обществения интерес, осъзнавайки, че няма справедливо правосъдие […]


BOYANOV & Co. Contributes to the Bulgarian Chapter on The Foreign Investment Regulation Review 2021

This ninth edition of The Foreign Investment Regulation Review, published in October 2021, provides a comprehensive guide to regulations, policies, and practices governing foreign investment in 20 key international jurisdictions, including Bulgaria. It includes contributions from leading experts around the world and some of the most widely recognised law firms in their respective jurisdictions. The Bulgarian chapter […]


BOYANOV & Co. advised the European Investment Bank

  BOYANOV & Co. advised the European Investment Bank on increasing the financing of OLIVA AD made available pursuant to a Luxembourg law governed finance contract executed in 2017, to EUR 37,2 million, for the purposes of adding new components to the company’s project for the construction of a new edible oil processing plant and […]


Processing of Personal Data Concerning Vaccinations and the EU Digital COVID-19 Certificate

Recently, the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP) published an opinion on the processing of personal data regarding the vaccination status in Bulgaria. It covers all the details regarding the EU digital COVID-19 certificates – their issuance, verification, and acceptance. In accordance with EU rules, EU certificates are only to be used to access and […]


C19 Task Force

At BOYANOV & Co., we care about and are invested in the success and well-being of our clients. We continue to work hard while prioritising the health of our colleagues, clients, and business partners. As part of our service, our dedicated C19 Task Force for 20 months keeps on assisting with all legal challenges caused […]


Ден На Народните Будители

За нас от БОЯНОВ & Ко. е радост да Ви поздравим по повод 1 ноември – Деня на Народните Будители! Изразяваме своя поклон към създателите и пазителите на българската духовност, език и култура. Векове наред светлината на знанието и духа озаряват пътя ни напред и поддържат вярата ни, че можем да се опазим и развиваме […]