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Borislav Boyanov & Co. Successfully Defends Client against Allegations of Unfair Competition

The Bulgarian competition regulator today issued a decision rejecting the complaint of Geocommerce OOD – a transportation company operating bus lines on the territory of the Ruse Municipality, against the other two transportation companies of Ruse – Egged Bulgaria EAD and Egged Ruse AD in respect of allegations of unfair competition because of financing provided by Egged Bulgaria EAD (which is the majority shareholder in Egged Ruse AD) to the bus transportation control department of the Ruse Municipality.

After reviewing the complaints on the merits, the Commission for the Protection of Competition found that neither of the defendants’ conduct could qualify as unfair competition.

Borislav Boyanov & Co. represented Egged Bulgaria EAD and Egged Ruse AD in the proceedings before the Commission. The two companies are part of the group of Egged – a major public transportation networks operator from Israel.

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