BOYANOV & Co. Continues to Advise Raiffeisen Bank International AG on Restructuring of the Financing of Sofia Airport Centre
BOYANOV & Co. continues to advise Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) on various legal issues related to the financing of the construction of a business and logistic centre near the international airport of Sofia (Sofia Airport Centre) by Tishman and GE Real Estate granted in 2008 and subsequently restructured in 2012, 2013, 2104 and 2015. Recent work includes advice and providing legal opinions on amendments to the loan agreement, transfer of shares in Sofia Airport Centre, entering into a standstill agreement and other restructuring documents, etc.
BOYANOV & Co.’s team on the deal was led by Damian Simeonov, Partner and Head of Banking & Finance.
Copyright picture: Raiffeisen Bank