Joint Ventures: A Global Guide from Practical Law
BOYANOV & Co. contributed to the second edition of Global Guide from Practical Law – Joint Ventures, published by Thomson Reuters (Professional) UK in August 2015. The Bulgarian chapter below was contributed by Mr. Yordan Naydenov, Partner and Head of Corporate and M&A at BOYANOV & Co. and Dr. Nikolay Kolev, Senior Associate at the firm.
The Joint Ventures Guide provides a high level overview of the key factors affecting joint ventures across multiple jurisdictions. It is an invaluable reference point for an intended audience of in-house counsels, business development professionals and practitioners who may be assisting a deal team in structuring a joint venture arrangement.
Whether you are looking for information on a jurisdiction’s legal system, formalities for formation and registration of joint ventures, statutory limits on duration, anti-trust rules, termination, rules relating to joint ventures with foreign members, and incentives, the country-specific Q&As provide a structured overview of the key issues. The authors offer insights on the best ways to structure a joint venture in their respective jurisdiction.
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