BOYANOV & Co. Contributes to the Bulgarian Chapter on Lexology Getting The Deal Through: Merger Control 2023
Partner Peter Petrov and associate Adriana Bakalova have authored the Bulgaria chapter in the 2023 edition of Lexology Getting The Deal Through on Merger Control.
Lexology Getting The Deal Through provides international expert analysis in key areas of law, practice, and regulation for corporate counsel, cross-border legal practitioners, and company directors and officers.
In its seventeenth edition, BOYANOV & Co.’s team provides their expert insight on a wide range of topics including the regulatory frameworks and legislation; thresholds, triggers, and approvals; public takeovers; investigation phases and timetables; remedies and ancillary restraints; involvement of other parties or authorities; enforcement practice; and recent trends.
The chapter is available to download here.
Copyright picture: Lexology Getting the Deal Through – Merger Control 2023