

  • Kina Chuturkova
    +359 2 8 055 055
  • Stela Sabeva
    Partner and Head of IP Department
    +359 2 8 055 055

Parallel Import and IP Rights Protection in Bulgaria

BOYANOV & Co. contributed to the CEE Legal Matters magazine with an Expert review on IP rights protection in Bulgaria in cases of parallel import – import of non-counterfeit branded goods in a particular jurisdiction without the consent of the trademark owner.

The Expert review was contributed by Kina Chuturkova, Partner and Head of the Litigation Practice Group of BOYANOV & Co. and Stela Sabeva, Senior Associate and Co-Head of the IP Department (Trademarks) at the firm. The article explains clearly the legal concepts of parallel import and exhaustion of IP rights, the current situation of IP rights protection according to the Bulgarian and EU legislation, and takes a strong position on legal means to prevent unauthorised parallel imports in Bulgaria.

CEE Legal Matters is a print and online publication for and about lawyers interested and working in emerging legal markets of Central and Eastern Europe, featuring news, interviews, analysis, opinions, and special reports and other subjects of interest to lawyers in the region.

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