


The New EU Commission Steps Up its Agenda on Digital Technologies

Last week, the European Commission published a Communication on Europe’s Digital Future in which it followed-up on the topic of EU’s digital transformation and introduced two documents, which provide further detail on the current developments.

The first document is the new European Data Strategy. It envisions the adoption of both a Digital Services Act and a Data Act, providing a horizontal cross-sectoral legislative solution and creating incentives for data sharing and data-driven innovations and establishing clear, fair and practical rules on data access use and re-use.

The second published document is the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence in which the EU Commission recognises the necessity of an introduction of the new regulatory framework in order to address both the existing and future products and services, which are predominantly reliant on artificial intelligence. The existing legal framework on consumer protection, unfair commercial practices and data protection will remain in place but will be updated as necessary to reflect the digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence.

In terms of implications of these changes within the current legal landscape, BOYANOV & Co. is closely involved in working groups, forums and policy discussions on the issues presented by emergent digital technologies and the legal challenges presented by them. The firm recognises the significance and impact they have both on a commercial and individual scale and the importance of maintaining the correct balance between different stakeholder interests. BOYANOV & Co.’s lawyers understand the particular challenges facing those involved in the technology sector and continue to provide to clients high quality strategic, innovative and business-oriented advice in the digital technology field.


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